an enormous blue cat lived tranquily seated on the shelf in that enormous breakfront - all alone. Rigorously alone because if yours truly thought about the number of birds of various forms and types which lived on the other shelves of the enormous breakfront it seemed that he could have gotten some strange
un enorme gatto blue che viveva tranquillamente seduto sulla mensola da solo. Rigorosamente da solo perche considerando la quantità di uccellini che vivono sulle altre mensole non vorrei che gli venisse delle idee strane...
In the breakfront on the shelf under the blue cat who sits tranquilly thinking about all the other birds was this incredible CARDELLINO who was sitting on a branch of red fruits minding his own business while singing his heart out because he couldn't reach the fruit underneath him. Seems that when yours truly decoupaged him on the branch it wasn't obvious to the artist(yours truly who else) that if the branch was put more vertically, the CARDELLINO would be able to nip at the fruit. Permanent, eternal starvation and only peeks at the fruit sort of like Dante's HELL in which people can only peek at the wonderful food they would like and just be a breath away from having it...In any case the situation became so frantic that one day after having looked everywhere for a place to put the brandy cherry filled chocolates which yours truly had bought for the Man...she looked at that CARDELLINO. Saw his little bucket and his dilemma and decided to use him and his tin for a brandy cherry filled chocolate container....and you know something. It sort of kind of resolved several problems!
1 - the chocolates are now always put into the bucket
2 - the bucket is no longer on the shelf of the enormous breakfront but on the shelves directly in front of it
3 - the blue ceramic cat is now looking in the opposite direction because he is really angry that the CARDELLINO is no longer within his reach and personally I think that he is trying to see through the panel to catch a glimpse of the winged creatures on the other side of the enormous breakfront. How's that?
E ovviamente sotto di lui su un ramo di frutti rossi stava questo cardellino maschio fatto nei tempi delle esperienze decoupage taglia incolla su qualsiasi cosa yours truly trovasse disponibile. Gratta, pulisce, pittura, tinge, taglia incolla ridipinge, ricolora e voilà, una natura morta che sembra viva dai colori vivaci che porta per un regalo per non mi ricordo che festività di quel uomo che abita con me...però dopo che avevo messo il gattone blue sulla stessa mensola mi sembrava un po un controsenso avere lui che di sottecchi passava e ripassava lo sguardo sul pennuto e così adesso il pennuto fa da porta cioccolatino sulla libreria di fronte alla credenza. Il gatto non era tanto felice e si è girato la testa verso l'altra parte sperando di poter bucare il divisore tra lui e la capite cosa intendo!