NINA the country cat.....FELINO di CAMPAGNA
I didn't have my camera. I'm guilty of having left it on this desk. But I don't give a hoot since the photograph would have been incredibly beautiful if I would have been able to see through the eye thing with all those tears falling out of my eyes. It's been four days since we've seen our country-cat Nina. Country-cats disappear at least ten times a year for a couple of days so we don't usually start worrying till day three. Today was day 5 so I was pretty frantic. Who knows why I sort of heard this weird cat call from the olive grove next to our house. Actually sounded like Max the housecat. So I started sliding down the terracing(can't walk down em because they are too high and I' 'fraid - so I do them on my derrier[my Nahmoe always said to use that word]). I continued calling and she(both our cats are she cats) and she continued crying. Was convinced that Max had holed-up under an olive root and couldn't get out. To my surprise way up in a high olive tree about 12 feet off the ground was our Nina - hanging on for dear life onto a branch which literally lays over a drop of about 15feet. There she was crying her eyes out happy to see me and just wishing I could tell her how to get down out of that predicament. Answer was simple. Call reinforcement which means the Man! Who after about 45 minutes 'grief, let me get changed cus I'm full of cement and stuff from doing that rock wall'...Man arrives with long iron ladder, shimmies up tree to grab relieved cat who then calmly remains in his arms for the landing and then in mine for the walk up the hill to the house where she thankfully stuck her head into a bowl of water and lapped up half. Poor thing was up there for the whole time...just goes to show you how tough life can be when you live in the country! PS: she's sleeping on the couch with the MAN who saved her...tonight she can go back out and return to her country cat life.
I didn't have my camera. I'm guilty of having left it on this desk. But I don't give a hoot since the photograph would have been incredibly beautiful if I would have been able to see through the eye thing with all those tears falling out of my eyes. It's been four days since we've seen our country-cat Nina. Country-cats disappear at least ten times a year for a couple of days so we don't usually start worrying till day three. Today was day 5 so I was pretty frantic. Who knows why I sort of heard this weird cat call from the olive grove next to our house. Actually sounded like Max the housecat. So I started sliding down the terracing(can't walk down em because they are too high and I' 'fraid - so I do them on my derrier[my Nahmoe always said to use that word]). I continued calling and she(both our cats are she cats) and she continued crying. Was convinced that Max had holed-up under an olive root and couldn't get out. To my surprise way up in a high olive tree about 12 feet off the ground was our Nina - hanging on for dear life onto a branch which literally lays over a drop of about 15feet. There she was crying her eyes out happy to see me and just wishing I could tell her how to get down out of that predicament. Answer was simple. Call reinforcement which means the Man! Who after about 45 minutes 'grief, let me get changed cus I'm full of cement and stuff from doing that rock wall'...Man arrives with long iron ladder, shimmies up tree to grab relieved cat who then calmly remains in his arms for the landing and then in mine for the walk up the hill to the house where she thankfully stuck her head into a bowl of water and lapped up half. Poor thing was up there for the whole time...just goes to show you how tough life can be when you live in the country! PS: she's sleeping on the couch with the MAN who saved her...tonight she can go back out and return to her country cat life.
Non ci sono foto. Mi sento particolarmente male che la digitale è rimasta sulla scrivania ma anche se non fosse non so se sarei stata capace fare una foto bella del fatto considerando quante lacrime scendevano nel momento che avrei dovuto scattare il cosidetto...comunque sembra che questa mattina per qualche motivo sentivo piangere un gatto. Rumore che arrivava dalla campagna a fianco la nostra ma giu da basso. Strano dico io...Max solitamente non scende così in basso. Lei, essendo felino di casa tende a rimanere nelle vicinanze. Nina la gatta di campagna manca da 5 giorni e vi posso garantire che ero preoccupata non poco perche il massimo via solitamente sono 3. Dopo di che cominciamo avere qualche pensiero. Chiamo chiamo e questa(sono entrambe femmine) risponde. Cribbio...ce un nostro gatto laggiù. Io riconosco sempre i chiami richiami e pianti dei nostri animali...un po come i figli quando urlano o parlano. Sai sempre che sono i tuoi. Scendo scendo sotto la piana sotto i fichi e trovo la Nina tutta stanca molla abbarbicata su un olivo altissimo(12 metri) piangendo sommessamente che finalmente sei arrivata e come mai non sei venuta prima e perche non mi fai scendere che è una vita che vi aspetto...5 giorni vi ricordo sono tanti senza acqua e cibo. Cosa fai per aiutarmi - logico. Chiamo rinforzi - e in casa nostra la persona che ha la forza di portare una scala di ferro altissimo giu per una ripida discesa è solo LUI - M. Così la telefonata in lacrime e lui 'lasciamo cambiare vestiti che sono piena di cemento e sporco che facevo quel muro di pietra'. Ed io sotto l'albero incoraggiavo la signorina di avere fede che stavamo per salvarla da morte sicuro - 5 giorni lassù! Dopo una mezz'oretta di incoraggiamento e pianti(entrambi) M è arrivato con la scala. E salito di sopra (12metri) su un strapiombo di 15 metri(mica che i gatti ci fanno caso a queste cose mentre salgono - li vedono solo quando devono scendere). Lei felicissima di vederlo le struscia contro e si lascia portare giù da basso dove la prendo io e la porto su per la scarpata, la porto in casa dove piomba la testa dentro la ciotola del acqua. Ne beve la metà, mangia una scatola di Manzotin(bella morbida e gelatinosa poerina che aveva una fame) e adesso dorme con suo salvatore sul divano! Che vita ragazzi...stasera la faccio di nuovo uscire perche lei è una gatta di campagna e viene in casa solo per motivi importante....come oggi!