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giovedì 15 novembre 2012



this is the only way I ever get to be around Maine lobsters - in photograph. Not that I adore eating lobster but it has been the joke of all my boot-shaped peninsula on the MED friends that I'm the only person who comes to Maine annually or twice a year and have yet to eat one. The story goes that 7 years ago when I started coming over I mentioned that I would love to eat a lobster. My brother mentioned that they weren't in season. So I just kept my disappointment to myself. Next trip 6 months later when they were in season - late season - he said no because they were too expensive 8$ a lb which made me laugh because at the time they were at least 25Euro a kilo (2.2lbs). In any case, year after year I just looked at them in their acquariums in the supermarket or in photos and after a while they sort of became just a funny way to write a story for my blog or just to giggle by myself when I hear people talking about how wonderful they are with drawn butter...besides that drawn butter can also cause all sorts of interesting discussions...why drawn? is it in a picture drawn with yellow crayons? Is it drawn from a special tub? Is it...you get my idea. Then there was the shrimp to eat and the wild salmon and honestly no one can get me to not eat salmon which I adore but which is not too wild in the boot-shaped peninsula on the MED. And so my friends, I'm Mainly gone this year having gone through the lobster watching in the supermarket and after having said no to anyone who asks me if I want lobster...nuts right? Maybe but in the end I really won't eat anyone who has been boiled alive!

Lasciando Maine come ogni anno con la barzelletta della mancata festa di lobster e il piacere di burro fuso che scende sul mente e con l'impossibile azione della rottura del carapace con i 'nutcrackers' anche se i Mainers dicono che sono apposta per le aragoste. La storia ormai lo sapete...un anno erano troppo cari(8$ alla libbra contrastando il nostro 25E al kilo mi faceva ridere) ma lasciamo perdere. Poi erano fuori stagione. Poi ho deciso che alla fine della fiera erano belli negli acquari dei supermercati ma ormai avevo perso voglia di discutere con il fre sul fatto che li mangio ma sono troppo cari da noi nello stivale e percio speravo di godermelo uno in Maine la loro patria. E poi alla fine della storia o della barzelletta non li mangio piu per motivi di etica animalista...non riesco ingoiare nessuno messo a bollire vivo...!!!