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lunedì 21 maggio 2012

and speaking about fairies - parlando di fattine

today is fairy day..a blog I follow was visited by a fairy named the fairy hobmother...heavens. Curious name that made me want to find out who it was so what to do? Google obviously! Found out it is person with  a really neat marketing sense in a company called appliancesonline. All the rest is history...several people in the blogsphere have been visited by this fairy and it seems that his/her presence is becoming common...and who says fairies don't exist?!

oggi e' giornata delle fattina...un blog che io seguo e' stata visitata da una fattina che si chiama the FAIRY HOBMOTHER...cielo! Nome curioso che mi ha fatto fare una googlata sotto nome soprastante e cosa trovo? Il nome di una persona che ha un buon senso di marketing in una compagnia chiamata appliancesonline..che altro potrebbe essere. Il resto e' storia...parecchie persone nel blogosfhera sono state visitate da questa fattina e sembra che la sua/suo presenza sta diventando comune---e chi dice che le fattine non esistono?!

2 commenti:

  1. Congratulations! I got a visit as well; cool that we blogged about this very experience on the same day!

    1. actually Frieda the Fairy hobmother fascinated me and I went onto the web to see what the devil was going on...she/he didn't get in touch with me at all...I sort of put an announcement about her/him because there seems to have been an epidemic of sighting. The person in charged with this PR trick is a genious...
