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mercoledì 29 maggio 2013

Maine 2013

Today it' raining. Today we're going to the Mall to walk. It's dry and comfortable. It's a place where all the older folks go to walk when it is raining. There are lots of parking places and therefore perfect. But the best thing about going to the Mall is a restaurant called Red Robin - not the usual hamburger joint even though they have wonderful burghers and never-ending fries and drinks...which by the way, I never get. I buy a huge southwestern mex chicken barbque salad which is a program of all sorts of wonderful fixings - from the lettuce on up to the grilled chicken. They put it on a huge red ceramic plate and decorate it with black beans, taco chips, cilantro and fried jalapena pepper...which I thought was fried zucchini (been living too long in Italy). It is spicey colorful and wonderfully delish. Only problem is that I didn't bring my digital and only have my semi-smart phone. Now you might be wondering what a semi-smart phone is...it's a Nokia normal phone which does everything online and off except make coffee. But on a mini screen and with mini-usb lines etc. The story of the phone is cute if you like to frustrate yourself. Two weeks after I got my little semi-smart phone the Tim, my italian server, put out an offer for a BRAND NEW IPHONE 5 for 2.5 years at 10 euro(12$) a month with 24/7 internet and all the rest....so now I'm asking myself if the semi-smart is the phone or if it is me who was in a hurry to buy a phone which works in the STATES...


martedì 28 maggio 2013

Maine 2013

once upon a time is now in Maine joking around with the very old story about lobster...or rather the lack of. Every year when I come here my friends in the boot- shaped peninsula kid me about eating lobster because they know that I have not been able to eat one for various reasons. The funny part is that I no longer even want to eat lobster. Not that I have become kosher or have shell fish allergies it's just that after so many years of hearing that they're not in season or they're too expensive or it's not the right restaurant I sort of decided that it isn't necessary to eat them to be happy. And besides, they are a lot of work cracking exploring and dipping melted butter. Not that the meat isn't good it's just that at this point I've decided it really isn't necessary to meanfully boil a living creature. So why all this explanation? Because yesterday at a little dollar shop I saw a tin lobster to put in a flower pot - and you know something. I'm so conditioned that I didn't even get that one. Weird how every time I see a lobster or something in its shape a bell rings, I salivate and think - don't need want can't have isn't necessary but it would have been pretty funny to get one and shut up my friends.

Once upon a Time e' in Maine. Come tutti gli anni certi miei amici a casa mi prendono in giro dicendomi che quest'anno sara' l'anno del aragosta. La storia infinita degli ultimi 6 anni. Ogni anno in Maine porta con se il non avere, non volere, non poter prendere aragosta e dopo tanti anni di costano troppo cari, non e' stagione, non si puo' non si deve ormai non mi viene neanche in mente che prendere un aragosta bollita, battagliare per un paio di ore con martello schiaccia noce e lungo gancio per togliere la carne dal carapace sia una cosa necessaria per essere felice. Anche se la felicita' non si raggiunge tante volte in quantita' eccessiva nella vita mi sa che mangiando aragosta non sia una dei modi piu'  eccelse per viaggiare vero nirvana. Certamente ci sono persone che vengono qui eclusivamente per bollire un essere vivente in acqua salata ma quest'ultimo fatto mi ha chiuso il capitolo del volere questo rosso crostaceo. Pero' devo ammettere che ieri in un negozio tutto per 1 $ avendo visto un crostaceo rosso formato vero potevo comprarlo per metterlo in un vaso di fiori sul portico a ponente. Sarebbe stato un modo simpatico per far cessare le recommandazioni degli amici. Ma chissa' perche' ogni volta che vedo un aragosta o qualcosa che lo rassomiglia suona una campana, I comincio salivare e penso - oddio no necessito, ne voglio, ne posso avere pero' ammetiamolo - per 1$ mi sono lasciato proprio scappare un occasione.

giovedì 16 maggio 2013


on the 21st May I'm heading WEST - Kbunkport here I come...the central plaza is great in this photo...thanks internet. Didn't take it myself...easier to clic and paste...but I must admit that the flowers are more Autumn type than Spring type. But that's ok...may have some pc time while I'm there. For sure I'm going to buy myself a USB for my digital so that I can get my photos(even the old ones) in here somewhere...maybe will even be able to find them once I've loaded them. That would be magic.

Il 21 Maggio prendo un volo verso OVEST - Kbunoport Maine arrivvvooooo...la piazza centrale della città in questo foto è bellissima...non è mia...è di una copia incolla da internet...ammetto che è piu facile anche se i fiori sono autunnali e non primaverili...però va benissimo...forse avrò un po di tempo per pc quando sono là. Sicuramente comprerò un USB per il mio digitale che mi permetterà inserire le mie foto (pure quelle vecchie) qui dentro. Logicamente sperando che una volta inserite riesco ritrovarle...quello sì sarebbe magia